[Allan] Bloom described his students as unmoved by loved and death, fit to be competent technical specialists and nothing more. They were social solitaries, locked up in themselves, the most erotically lame people ever. They weren’t open to God, didn’t think of themselves of citizens, didn’t have real heroes, and even found it about impossible even to think of themselves as family men and women. Bloom even said that their music was nothing more than the rhythm of mechanical rutting. Their eros had become that one-dimensional!

And so, of course, they even turned friendship into networking. The social network, from this view, isn’t about real friendship or real social life. It’s about people casually exploiting each other to meet their pedestrian personal needs. The film [“The Social Network”] seems to confirm Bloom’s description by not giving us an example of enduring, trustworthy friendship or enduring love between a man and a woman or of a fairly functional and loving family.