W. H. Auden, "Fugal-Chorus" (from For the Time Being)
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The First was the Kingdom of Abstract Idea: Last night it was Tom, Dick and Harry: to-night it is S’s with P’s; Instead of inflexions and accents There are prepositions and word-order; Instead of aboriginal objects excluding each other There are specimens reiterating a type; Instead of wood-nymphs and river-demons, There is one unconditioned ground of Being. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The Second was the Kingdom of Natural Cause: Last night it was Sixes and Sevens: to-night it is One and Two; Instead of saying, “Strange are the whims of the Strong,” We say, “Harsh is the Law but it is certain;” Instead of building temples, we build laboratories; Instead of offering sacrifices, we perform experiments; Instead of reciting prayers, we note pointer-readings; Our lives are no longer erratic but efficient. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The Third was the Kingdom of Infinite Number: Last night it was Rule-of-Thumb, to-night it is To-a-T; Instead of Quite-a-lot, there is Exactly-so-many; Instead of Only-a-few, there is Just-these; Instead of saying, “You must wait until I have counted,” We say, “Here you are. You will find this answer correct;” Instead of nodding acquaintance with a few integers, The Transcendentals are our personal friends. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The Fourth was the Kingdom of Credit Exchange: Last night is was Tit-for-Tat, to-night it is C.O.D.; When we have a surplus, we need not meet someone with a deficit; When we have a deficit, we need not meet someone with a surplus; Instead of heavy treasures, there are paper symbols of value; Instead of Pay at Once, there is Pay when you can; Instead of My Neighbour, there is Our Customers; Instead of Country Fair, there is World Market. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The Fifth was the Kingdom of Inorganic Giants: Last night it was Heave-Ho, to-night it is Whee-Spree; When we want anything, They make it; When we dislike anything, They change it; When we want to go anywhere, They carry us; When the Barbarian invades us, They raise immovable shields; When we invade the Barbarian, They brandish irresistible swords; Fate is no longer a fiat of Matter, but a freedom of Mind. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The Sixth was the Kingdom of Organic Dwarfs: Last night it was Ouch-Ouch, to-night it is Yum-Yum; When diseases waylay us, They strike them dead; When worries intrude on us, They throw them out; When pain accosts us, They save us from embarrassment; When we feel like sheep, They make us lions; When we feel like geldings, They make us stallions; Spirit is no longer under Flesh, but on top. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.
Great is Caesar: He has conquered Seven Kingdoms. The Seventh was the Kingdom of Popular Soul: Last night it was Order-Order, to-night it is Hear-Hear; When he says, You are happy, we laugh; When he says, You are wretched, we cry; When he says, It is true, everyone believes it; When he says, It is false, no one believes it; When he says, This is good, this is loved; When he says, This is bad, that is hated. Great is Caesar: God must be with Him.