some things I published this year
First of all, two books, both of which are linked to on the right side of your screen: my little essay The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction, and my critical edition of W. H. Auden’s long poem The Age of Anxiety.
I published a few things that aren’t online, but here are the things that are: a few words for The Atlantic on Wikipedia’s tenth anniversary and a commemoration for the same digital rag of Tom Wolfe’s account of the space program.
For the Wall Street Journal I wrote a little piece about Pitzer College’s proposed “secular studies” program that — I discovered soon after when people from Pitzer started writing to me — relied on highly contested information. They’re having a vigorous debate about this program at Pitzer and I’m eager to hear what comes of it.
I wrote a few words about The Best Technology Writing 2010. I produced a longish essay-review on Auden, focusing on his critical magnum opus The Dyer’s Hand, and a probably-too-short review of some recent books about managing information and acquiring recondite knowledge.
I am relatively pleased with my pretty long piece about Marshall McLuhan but I don’t think anyone else is. So it goes.
I was glad to offer a commendation (coupled with a little critique) of the remarkable Iain Sinclair, too little-known on this side of the Atlantic.
And I wrote at great length about “Christianity and the Future of the Book”.
There were many blog posts and a few thousand tweets too, but I’m not listing those here. I wonder what next year will bring… .