Participating in cultural life is not something out of ordinary to us: global culture is the fundamental building block of our identity, more important for defining ourselves than traditions, historical narratives, social status, ancestry, or even the language that we use. From the ocean of cultural events we pick the ones that suit us the most; we interact with them, we review them, we save our reviews on websites created for that purpose, which also give us suggestions of other albums, films or games that we might like. Some films, series or videos we watch together with colleagues or with friends from around the world; our appreciation of some is only shared by a small group of people that perhaps we will never meet face to face. This is why we feel that culture is becoming simultaneously global and individual. This is why we need free access to it.
Piotr Czerki. There is no nonsense quite like the nonsense that places everyone who happens to have been born within a given date-range, regardless of sex or class or ethnicity or nationality, under a single description. And that holds whether the description is written by some grumpy old fart or, as here, by someone possessed by the demon of self-congratulation. β€œYour generation sucks” isn’t any different than β€œMy generation is awesome.” All that kind of thing is worse than useless.