In our culture, we have all accepted the notion that the right to know is absolute and unlimited. The gossip column is one side of the medal; the cobalt bomb is the other. We are quite prepared to admit that, while food and sex are good in themselves, an uncontrolled pursuit of either is not, but it is difficult for us to believe that intellectual curiosity is a desire like any other, and to recognize that correct knowledge and truth are not identical. To apply a categorical imperative to knowing, so that, instead of asking, β€œWhat can I know?” we ask, β€œWhat, at this moment, am I meant to know?” β€” to entertain the possibility that the only knowledge which can be true for us is the knowledge that we can live up to β€” that seems to all of us crazy and almost immoral.
β€” W. H. Auden, β€œThe Joker in the Pack” (in The Dyer’s Hand)