In our exciting and information-rich Internet Age, everyone needs a readflow: a way to get to the things you want or need to read, and then a way to sort through them once you’ve read them. For me, Instapaper is the key to my readflow. My system works especially well on iOS, because the key apps are all hooked to each other.
First, I figure out what I want to read via the web, my Twitter feed, and Google Reader. (On my iPad and iPhone I read my RSS feeds on Reeder; on my Mac I use NetNewsWire.) Anything that looks interesting gets sent to Instapaper.
Then, usually two or three times a day, I visit Instapaper to read all this stuff. If it’s something I want to share with others, I send it to this tumblelog; if it’s something I want to keep for future reference myself, I send it to Pinboard; and if it’s of no particular interest I send it to the trash.
So, basically, I have three inputs to Instapaper and three outputs from it. Simple, yet effective.