When the rich are highly concentrated in wealthy enclaves, they’re less likely to give as compared with the rich living in more economically diverse neighborhoods. The report found that in neighborhoods where more than 40 percent of taxpayers reported earning $200,000 or more, the average giving was just 2.8 percent of discretionary income. In other words, concentration of wealth is also isolation from the less fortunate….

It’s not too shocking that some people give less than others, even among the rich. But it’s interesting to see how neighborhood location and composition can limit the power of the wealthy to give.

Isolated and Under-Exposed: Why the Rich Don’t Give - Neighborhoods - The Atlantic Cities. Limit their power to give? Seriously? How sad, this prison of wealth, which renders those within it incapable of knowing that others have needs. We can but pity their helplessness, I suppose. I mean, how lamentable that they ended up in those “wealthy enclaves,” through no fault of their own.

On the other hand, there’s the explanation Daffy Duck once gave of his lust for “doubloons, and triploons, and, uh, quadruploons”: It’s “on account of I am greedy.”