Packer and Stott
1.) Lots of people accused J.I. Packer and John Stott of being “soft” because they stayed in the Church of England so long.
— Russell Moore (@drmoore) August 20, 2016
2.) I get that critique, and sympathize with it to some degree. The CoE trajectory was obvious for some time. BUT..
— Russell Moore (@drmoore) August 20, 2016
3.) Stott and Packer stand unrivaled, from start to finish, for conviction, courage, and personal integrity.
— Russell Moore (@drmoore) August 20, 2016
Russell makes a great point here, and that raises a question: What if there’s a causal connection between their institutional comnmitments and their faithfulfulness? That is, what if Christians who stick, patiently and stoically, with deeply flawed institutions thereby form themselves in such a way that they reap benefits in other venues? Maybe patience and forebearance and firmness of purpose are transferable virtues.
N.B. I write this as someone not known for those virtues.