Where would this train of logic lead? How many other associations to which students belong might be judged, with equal or greater plausibility, to be hostile to Harvard’s ‘values of non-discrimination’? What of the undergraduate who joins a lobbying organization that opposes gay marriage or one that combats affirmative action programs in higher education? Is membership in the Republican Party less an affront to 'our deepest values’ than membership of the Fly? How about the Daughters of the American Revolution—or the Roman Catholic Church? We are not the first to notice the alarming implications of the new policy. Students have already asked us if they should hide their religious and political affinities if they hope someday to receive Harvard’s support. How can they be confident that a fellowship nominating committee will not hold their religious or political convictions against them, if these might run afoul of Harvard’s 'values’?
No Values Tests | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson. Perhaps a Harvard student might be allowed one such problematic affiliation: you can be a Republican or a Catholic, but not both. Unless of course you check the box that says you’re a Pope Francis Catholic, which would be a get-out-of-jail-free card.