big news, no action
The story Rod Dreher reports here would in a certain kind of world be catastrophic for the Catholic hierarchy. I do not believe that we live in that kind of world. Here’s what I think the fallout will be:
- Pope Francis will not comment.
- Curial spokesmen will make evasive comments, and simply deny that the Pope knew anything or did anything that would make him culpable.
- American bishops will continue to deny that they knew anything about anything, and will, when talking among themselves, express great relief that the spotlight has shifted away from them for a while.
- Expressions of regret will continue.
- Committees and task forces will be convened.
- No one will resign, and no one will be disciplined.
- No collective action will be taken by lay Catholics.
- The long slow drift of American Catholics away from Catholics will continue.
UPDATE 8/26: Yesterday I predicted that the Pope would not comment. Here’s what he said today on his flight from Ireland to Italy: “I read that Viganò statement this morning. I say this sincerely: read it carefully and judge for yourselves. I am not going to say a word about that. I believe that the document speaks for itself. You have the journalistic ability to draw conclusions, with your professional maturity. " He added that he “may” talk about it in the future.