Alternative headlines:

  • Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School Where They Believe “that God spoke the heavens, the earth and all living things into existence in six days”
  • Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School Where They Believe that Salvation Comes To Us “through faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone, unaided by human effort”
  • Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School Where They Believe “that Jesus Christ will physically return in the air to take the church out of the world to be with Him forever”
  • Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School Where They Believe that “The unbelieving dead of all time will then be raised and given eternal bodies to face God in final judgment after which they will be thrown into the lake of fire to eternal torment”
  • Karen Pence Is Teaching at Christian School Where They Believe that “Mankind’s continued unbridled wickedness brought further judgment, which destroyed the earth in a worldwide flood”
There’s something almost charming about the NYT’s dismay that a school which holds to the doctrines listed above would fail to comply with the NYT’s view of human sexuality. But the story at least serves to remind us what the “news that’s fit to print” is these days.