Carl Reiner and me
In a career spanning seventy years, Carl Reiner shaped the nation’s sense of humor through his writing, directing, and performances on stage and screen.
He used this typewriter to write "The Dick Van Dyke Show."— National Museum of American History (@amhistorymuseum) June 30, 2020
As it happens, I have the same model of typewriter, which I used to write all my papers from my junior year in high school through graduate school (only turning to a computer when I started my dissertation):
I even have the original case for it: Every time I read an entry on Richard Polt’s Typewriter Revolution blog, or look at his very cool book — thanks for the complimentary copy, Richard! — I tell myself that I am going to bring this thing out of the closet and start writing on it again. It hasn’t happened yet, but … someday. In my beginning is my end.But I won’t do anything nearly as cool as writing The Dick Van Dyke Show.