reviews and essays, hidden
I have reposted here on this site a number of my essays and reviews, originally published elsewhere, that I’d like to preserve:
- “Reverting to Type” (a long autobiographical essay)
- “Choose Life” (about what church might be)
- “Raising Kael” (on Pauline Kael and Citizen Kane)
- “From the Abundance of the Heart”
- “The Devil’s Bargain” (a groping-my-way-forward essay I still think about)
- “On Loren Eiseley”
- A review of Michael Chabon’s Gentlemen of the Road
- “Against Stupidity”
- Reviews of the sixth and seventh Harry Potter books
- “The Re-invention of Love” (on Anne Carson and Sappho)
- A review of Michel Houellebecq’s Submission
- An assessment of evolutionary accounts of literary art
- An essay on the greatness of Les Murray
- An outline of an anthology I wasn’t allowed to edit
- A review of a delightful book on maps of imaginary worlds
- An essay-review on dictionaries
- An essay-review on Auden’s prose
- “Giving Up on Baseball”
- An essay on literary executors
- The introduction to a collection of my essays, in which I think about what the essay is and does
- “The Thrilla In Manila And The End Of Boxing”
- “London Letters” — written by Brett Foster and me
- “Beyond the Wild Wood” — an essay-review on two editions of The Wind in the Willows
I’ll update this post whenever I add more essays, which I expect to do from time to time.